Naman Corporation - One Stop Homoeopathic Store


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Bach flowers Remedies affects the emotion and corrects emotional disharmony, imbalance in the person, which gave the feeling of physical well-being.

Bach Flower Kit Salient Features

  •  Only 38 remedies therefore easy remembrance.
  •  No elaborate head racking study. Easily understood
  •  Very simple
  •  Non habit forming and absolutely without any side effects.
  •  Can mix up to three medicines and be given in chronic diseases.
  •  Can be repeated as often required. Even up to 3-5 times a day as there is no problem of over closing.
  •  No withdrawal symptoms.

Indication of individual Bach flower Remedies:-

  1. Agrimony for mental torment behind brave face, hidden worries, distress
  2. Aspen for vagues fear, worries, unknown fears, apprehensions
  3. Beech for intolerance, critical, lack of compassion.
  4. Centaury for weak-willed, bullied, unable to say no, passive, easily influenced by others
  5. Cerato for self distrust, confirmation seeking, concentration problems, foolish
  6. Cherry plum for fear of losing control, temper tantrum, breakdown, abusive, rage, explode.
  7. Chestnut bud for repeating mistakes, lack of observation, hyperactivity
  8. Chicory for possessive, over-protective, critical, easily offended.
  9. Clematis for daydreaming, dreaminess, lack of concentration.
  10. Crab apple for cleansing, poor self image, sense of not being clean.
  11. Elm for depression, despondent, exhausted, responsibility related stress & fatigue
  12. Gentian for discouraged, depressed. For disheartened, dispirited persons
  13. Gorse for hopelessness, despair, pessimism.
  14. Heather for self centered, talkative, demand attention, lonely.
  15. Holly for hatred, envy, jealousy, insecurity, suspicious, aggressive.
  16. Honey suckle for homesickness, nostalgia, bereavement.
  17. Horn beam for weariness, bored tired, needs strength.
  18. Impatiens for impatience, irritated, fidgety, accident-prone, hasty.
  19. Larch for lack of confidence, discouraged, feeling of inferiority.
  20. Mimulus for fear of known origin, stammering, shyness, timid, lack of courage
  21. Mustard for depression, deep gloom for no reason.
  22. Oak for Despondency despair but never cease efforts
  23. Olive for lack of energy, fatigue, exhaustion, convalescence.
  24. Pine for guilt, self-blame, feeling of guilt, apologetic
  25. Red chestnut for fear or anxiety for others
  26. Rock rose for frozen fear, terror.
  27. Rock water for self repression, self perfection, overwork.
  28. Scleranthus for indecision, uncertainty, imbalance
  29. Star of Bethlehem for trauma, shock, post traumatic stress.
  30. Sweet chestnut for extreme mental anguish, hopeless despair.
  31. Vervain for over-enthusiasm, hyper-active, fanatical.
  32. Vine for, inflexible, very capable, gifted, bullying, aggressive.
  33. Walnut for change, menopause, puberty, moving, protection.
  34. Water violet for proud, aloof, lonely, anti-social, disdainful,
  35. White chestnut for sleeplessness, insomnia.
  36. Wild oat for lack of clarity, drifting in life.
  37. Wild rose for resignation, lost motivation, lack of ambition.
  38. Willow for sulky, irritable, grumbling bitterness, blame, complain.
  39. Rescue remedy all purpose emergency mixture of shock, terror emergencies, externally applied for burns, animal bites and sprains.

Presentation: 30ml sealed bottles in a 40 unit container Box